rn[21] Alicia Garza, «A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Motion,» The Feminist Wire . thefeministwire.

com/2014/ten/blacklivesmatter-two/]http://www. thefeministwire.

com/2014/10/blacklivesmatter-two/[/url]. See also Moten and Staphano Harney, The Undercommons: Fugitive Preparing and Black Research (Wivenhoe, 2013), p. rn[22] See Gilles Deleuze, «Postscript on the Societies of Management,» trans. pub.

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, Oct fifty nine (Winter season 1992): 3–7. rn[23] See Nicholas Mirzoeff, The Correct to Glimpse: A Counterhistory of Visuality (Durham, N.

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C. rn[24] [Anon], De Saint-Domingue. Moyen facile d’augmenter l’indemnité because of aux colons de St-Domingue expropriés (Paris, 1825), p. rn[25] Walter Johnson, River of Dark Dreams: Slavery and Empire in the Cotton Kingdom (Cambridge, Mass. , 2013), p.

rn[26] See Sarah-Jane Cervanak, Wandering: Philosophical Performances of Racial and Sexual Independence (Durham, N. C.

, 2014), pp. rn[27] See Mary-Francis Berry, «‘Reckless Eyeballing’: The Matt Ingram Scenario and the Denial of African American Sexual Independence,» The Journal of African American Background ninety three (Spring 2008): 227–30. rn[28] Quoted in ibid.

, p. rn[29] See Keith Lamont Peters, Appellant, v. Point out of Florida, Appellee . No.

rn[30] bell hooks, Black Appears to be: Race and Representation (New York, 1992), p. rn[31] Quoted in Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation (Chicago, 2016), p. rn[32] See Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang, «Decolonization Is Not a Metaphor,» Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education, and Modern society one, no. rn[33] See Taylor, From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation , p. rn[34] super bpaper See Shanyang Zhao «Towards a Taxonomy of Copresence,» Presence twelve (Oct.

rn[35] Loretta Baldassar et al. , «ICT-Based mostly Co-Presence in Transnational Families and Communities: Tough the Premise of Experience-to-Facial area Proximity in Sustaining Interactions,» World wide Networks sixteen (Apr. rn[36] See Freelon, McIlwain, and Clark, Outside of the Hashtags , pp. rn[37] Deray Mckesson, «Ferguson and further than,» The Guardian , 9 Aug. theguardian. com/commentisfree/2015/aug/09/ferguson-civil-legal rights-motion-deray-mckesson-protest]http://www.

theguardian. com/commentisfree/2015/aug/09/ferguson-civil-legal rights-motion-deray-mckesson-protest[/url]rn[38] André Brock, «From the Blackhand Aspect: Twitter as a Cultural Discussion,» Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 56, no. rn[39] Negar Mottadeh, #iranelection: Hashtag Solidarity and the Transformation of On the web Daily life (Stanford, Calif. , 2015), p. rn[forty] See Todd S. Purdum, «The Nation: Concentration Teams? To Bush, the Crowd Was a Blur,» New York Periods , 23 Feb. nytimes. com/2003/02/23/weekinreview/the-nation-emphasis-teams-to-bush-the-crowd-was-a-blur. html]http://www. nytimes. com/2003/02/23/weekinreview/the-country-aim-teams-to-bush-the-group-was-a-blur. html[/url]rn[41] Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Golden Gulag: Prisons, Surplus, Disaster, and Opposition in Globalizing California (Berkeley, 2006), p. rn[forty two] «L. A. Citizens Plead With LAPD On Indications, Shirts: ‘Don’t Shoot, I am Not Chris Dorner,'» Newsone, twelve Feb. com/2204122/dorner-symptoms/rn[forty three] Eugene Robinson, «I am Black, Will not Shoot Me,» Washington Write-up , 20 Feb. washingtonpost. com/thoughts/eugene-robinson-im-black-dont-shoot-me/2014/02/20/3899521e-9a61-11e3-b931-0204122c514bstory. html?utmterm=. bd08dd328ffc]http://www. washingtonpost. com/thoughts/eugene-robinson-im-black-dont-shoot-me/2014/02/twenty/3899521e-9a61-11e3-b931-0204122c514bstory.